When the French news channel LCI briefed us, they wanted to show their approach to the news: analysis and in depth reports along with breaking news events. It quickly became clear to us that the core concept of LCI’s makeover should derive from the pre-existing logo. The blue color to evoke the analysis, and the red the hot news.
Brand design
360° design
Brand Identity

“ We greatly appreciated their expertise in the fields of both news and digital.
Accordingly, Gédéon developed a minimalist graphical design, fully adapted to mobile usage, launching news into the digital realm. What held us back before is no longer an issue today.”
Yoann Saillon - Art Director, News, TF1 Group

We faced the challenge of combining the codes of traditional news channels (tickers and clock) and those of general-interest channels such as on flow promos starring presenters.
Gédéon also created LCI’s print campaign. We chose to showcase the news anchors, their personality and charisma. Each print ad includes two different framings, for different facial expressions to show 2 points of view. Again, the concept of the blue and red.

“ The production capacity of an agency like Gédéon allowed them to produce the countless elements that go into the design of a news channel to a relatively short deadline, less than three months.”
Yoann Saillon - Art Director, News, TF1 Group
Creative Director
Bernard Bréchet
Emmanuelle Lacaze
Charlotte Vande Vyvre
Églantine Guitard
Art Directors
Maximilian Schwanse
Maïté Rémy
French Art Directors Club / Paris 2018 / Nominated for “Best Global design for a channel”
Next Project
France 4 - Global Redesign