OKOO – Global branding
OKOO – Global branding
Okoo is the new offer for children from France Télévisions.
Now, heroes and children of all ages can share one platform. It’s available everywhere, for everyone, at anytime.
We created and produced digital, on air and print identities and we also created the overall concept of advertising for its launch.
Brand design
360° identity

The main challenge was making a distinction between the world of preschoolers and that of kids while keeping a common DNA.
We decided to use the shape of the letter « O » of the logo « Okoo » to create a visual language with a strong sign to use in picto-stickers, in the layout of images …

For the kids’ idents, we capitalized on the picto-stickers by showcasing them on real images to take on aspects of the everyday in a creative, original, entertaining and fun way.

The preschoolers’ idents showcase the logo by transforming it into an animal that invites the child to follow it.
These magical and surprising animals become, in turn, a bird, a whale, a snake or a christmas tree that stimulate a child’s imagination.

For the print, we used the eyes in the logo to replace those of the characters in the programmes. This playful appropriation reinforces the idea that it is a creative brand. It is also a nod to filters and effects that are used on Snapchat and Instagram.
For the print, we used the eyes in the logo to replace those of the characters in the programmes. This playful appropriation reinforces the idea that it is a creative brand. It is also a nod to filters and effects that are used on Snapchat and Instagram.
For the print, we used the eyes in the logo to replace those of the characters in the programmes. This playful appropriation reinforces the idea that it is a creative brand. It is also a nod to filters and effects that are used on Snapchat and Instagram.
For the print, we used the eyes in the logo to replace those of the characters in the programmes. This playful appropriation reinforces the idea that it is a creative brand. It is also a nod to filters and effects that are used on Snapchat and Instagram.

Again, for the generic boxes we capitalized on the distinctive signs of this new graphic identity. We can play on different types of eye- expressions for the kids and we can play with different animals for the preschoolers.

At the Okoo launch, we proposed capitalising on the concept of diverting the eyes. By referring to the logo and playing with it, we help the audience to remember the name and we illustrate the brand’s promise: interactivity, playfulness, liveliness and intimacy. The campaign places the programmes’ heroes and the children on the same level.

It’s simple, funky and efficient, both the common theme and the backbone on which all the music is based. It’s music that we wanted to be rhythmic and lively but certainly not frenetic like you often hear on most children’s channels. Here was where we wanted to make the difference clear. Show that it is a quality public service.
La Plage
We also worked on Okoo’s summer look for France Télévisions.
The new marine and exotic animals join the collection (promos, Idents and digital elements) for the younger children while summertime looks are added to the Okoo logo for the older kids.

Emmanuelle Lacaze & Eglantine Guitard
La Plage
Nicolas Lhomme
Creation of the logotype
Gold at the Eyes & Ears 2022 in the category Best Seasonal Design Elements.
Gold at the Eyes & Ears 2022 in the category Best 2D/3D Animation.
Shortlisted for Okoo at the French Ad Club Awards 2021 in the category "motion design"
Bronze award for Okoo at the French Ad Club Awards 2021 in the category "idents and ad breaks"
Finalist at the French Ad Club Award with OKOO in the category "TV - Jingles and Idents"
Finalist at the French Ad Club Award with OKOO in the category "TV - Global Identity of a channel"
Finalist at the French Ad Club Award with OKOO in the category "Branding - Global Design of a Commercial Brand"
Grand Prix Stratégies du Design 2020 / Silver Award for OKOO / In the category "Digital and Web Design, Motion Design and TV Design"
Grand Prix Stratégies de l'Innovation Média 2020 / Gold Award (or) for OKOO / Best "brand identity for a media"
Promax Awards Europe 2020 / Finalist for OKOO "General Brand Campaign"
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