Olympic Games – Opening Ceremony
Olympic Games – Opening Ceremony
Working on the Opening Ceremony was the icing on the cake! It marked the end of five years of hard work and an incredible creative and human adventure, working almost daily with the teams at COJO Paris 2024.
Our collaboration with Thomas Jolly, Paris 2024 Artistic Director, and his team has been nothing short of a crowning achievement. This partnership truly recognizes and celebrates our years of working together with Paris 2024 to shape the artistic direction of the Games.
Artistic Direction
Motion Design
Motion Graphics
For the « Festivity » and « Obscurity » tableaux, we crafted an exciting 14 minute video of the 30 meter dance floor where 60 dancers performed. The challenge? To imagine and to perfectly synchronize the animations with the choreography of the Mazel Freten company, all while having just one rehearsal under real conditions – only five days before the ceremony!
We had the exciting task of producing the film about the History of the Olympic Games, which aired in different, dynamic segments to accompany the famous rider’s journey on the Seine.

We also created and produced the impressive floor display for the rapper Rim K’s performance during the ‘Sportivity’ sequence, along with the visual design for all the information during the sequences with the female statues. On top of this, we handled all the TV design assets, including the sequence titles and the dazzling, animated stars on the Eiffel Tower.

Emmanuelle Lacaze & Karem Pirela
Mathieu Beauvisage
Cédric Besseau
Louis Bidot-Naude
Hannah Burfield
Baptiste Chomiol
Gaspard Courrier
Stéphane Gibert
Lucas Marinm
Oliver Martinelli
Lazare Bessière
Nicolas Famery
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laSexta - Rebranding