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  • RTL AD ALLIANCE Tribute film

    RTL AD ALLIANCE Tribute film

    We live in a very noisy world dominated by overwhelming signs, images and content.

    To maintain engagement on social media, content creators use more and more visual and sound effects and other techniques that most of the time make the audience forget what they are watching.

    The message RTL AdAlliance wanted to share was one that went against this social trend to go back to the essence of their work. A clear message to the people working in their industry.

     That’s why we proposed to think differently and to be simple. Each visual and sonic element of the film only works to enhance the storytelling and its message. Simple and sober.

    We chose to directly connect with the audience, using simple words, a touch of humor with the singing cat and emotion through the film’s main message: you are part of a virtuous circle, and you can be proud of it.

    Brand films

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    Emmanuelle Lacaze, Eglantine Guitard & Karem Pirela

    Artistic Directors

    Nicolas Famery & Lazare Bessière

    Writer & creative director

    Richard Holman

    Motion Designers

    Baptiste Chomiol, Gaspard Courrier, Nicolas Fontal
